「Matsuo History」
Harold Borchert
Takeshi Matsuo long ago set a standard that endures today in his son,and in his son’s son. Joshua 24:15 was more than just another verseof Old Testament historical scripture…it was a banner, an ensign, anda testimony…”as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
Haruna sensei of Itayado sat in my house in America before I became a missionary, and he told Mrs. Borchert and me a story of the coal mines, and of men who went there for their faith. I knew of Takeshi Matsuo long before I met him. When I finally did meet him in 1953, I learned of “Two Grace” not only, but I learned also of “True Grace.” Of grace and truth in a life. Takeshi was “tadashii.”
Thomas Carlyle, the Scottish essayist wrote that, “…historyis the sum of the work of outstanding individuals rather than the effectof circumstances and events.” In 1830 he wrote, “Historyis the essence of innumerable biographies.” In his 1840 lectureshe said heroes were those who “knew truly what the time wanted, andled on the right road thither.”
Father and Son Matsuo remind one of the Sons of Issachar in I Chronicles12: 32. “…men that had understanding of the times, to knowwhat Israel ought to do.” A person who stands, and having doneall,” (Ephesians 6:13) continues to stand, is a great manand worthy to be praised!
I thought much of eternal life and the brevity of this life, while awaiting possible heart surgery. Daughter Susan came to be near us, and I learned that her pastor, my friend and fellow minister Setsu Matsuo, was praying for me. Hallelujah! God’s covenant promises hold true, for “if in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable. But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the first fruits of them that slept. …. the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.” (I Corinthians 15: 19, 26)
The elder Matsuo was an inspiration to this younger minister some fiftyyears ago, and now praise God, my daughter and granddaughters receive inspirationand blessing from the son! The physical doors may close, but neverthe heavenly gates! Shalom and Amen!